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About us

Our Story

Dedication and Service

Pacific Health Services Hutt Valley is an independent health service working closely with our Pasefika community of 12,000 people in the Hutt Valley north of Wellington. We provide community engagement, development, support, health services and social services. Our focus is A Vibrant Healthy Pasefika community in the Hutt Valley. We have delivered value to Pasefika people since 1999. Our Pasefika family-centred approach reinforces family strengths, provides appropriate support and empowers families to live well with greater control over their lives. We are very well connected as a core part of our community and our approach is based on socio-cultural evidence about what works. This includes working through established community networks and a focus on faith-led approaches to service delivery. The nine explicit premises from the Family Centre Report offer a good description of our Pasefika family-centred approach. Our services are very well regarded and we achieve highly on client satisfaction and quality measures. We have built up a range of health and social services in response to community need.

Our Vision

“WELLBEING, Mo’ui lelei (Tonga), Soifua laulelei (Samoa),
Fakatupuolamoui (Niue), Ola manuia (Tokelau), Tiko Vinaka (Fiji), Te Mwauuraoi (Kiribati), Te ola lelei (Tuvalu), and Ora’anga meitake (Cook Islands).”

Our Mission

In order to achieve the above vision, Our mission is:

  • Lead and influence service range and access.

  • Provide services that are effective, culturally relevant, efficient and professional.

  • Be a sustainable organisation.


To achieve our mission and to realise our vision, PHS operation and service provision will be guided by the following values;


‘Ofa – love (Tonga)
Fa’a’aloalo – respect (Samoa)
Oronga ia mai – reciprocity (Cook Islands)
Va Whealoaki – relationships (Tokelau)
Fekafekau – service (Niue)
Veiliutaki – leadership (Fiji)
Onimaki – trust (Kiribati)
Fakatuanaki – faith (Tuvaluan)

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Nanai Muaau MBA | QSM

Chief Executive Officer


Phone: 04 282 0959

Mobile: 027 494 3938


Nanai brings to the PHS Hutt Valley his many years of management and leadership experience. A graduate from Massey University with a MBA, Nanai is committed to manage the resources of our services to provide a professional, sustainable, culturally safe, health and social service to meet the needs of our Hutt community. This high standard of management has seen the service improve, develop and expand over the last 23 years. Recently awarded the Queen Service Medal (QSM) for Pacific health services is a recognition of his commitment and wide range contribution to improve health & wellbeing for Pacific people. Nanai is also active in his local church being the Treasurer for the last 20 years. He is married and has 4 children and 8 grand children. The service he founded in 1999 with 4 staff members with 2 service contracts has grown to 27 staff and 19 contracts in 2023. His dream is to build a hub for the Pasefika community in the Hutt Valley that will accommodate suite of services from a central point that the community can call their own.

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Candice Apelu Mariner

General Manager


Phone: 04 282 0952

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Talofa lava, I’m Candice Apelu Mariner and it’s good to be back working at Pacific Health Services Hutt Valley in the role of General Manager. To be back whilst the service is going through a transformational change is a real blessing. I look forward to contributing to the amazing work already underway led by the CEO and the staff”. Candice is no stranger to PHSHV, having led, as a Project Manager, the award winning PHSHV programs: Pasifika Choice – Childhood Obesity prevention program including the popular Annual Fun Family Touch Tournament and Faith Led Program. “My youngest son is also a Thriving Cores Well Child baby who has thrived because of the loving care of the PHSHV Well Child Team.” She comes to us from the 2DHB in her recent role of 2DHB Principal Advisor within the Pacific Directorate. We look forward to Candice being part of the strong team here at PHSHV.

Our Board

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Rev. Vaegaau (Au) Liko

Chair- Samoan Rep

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Kaliti Kolinisau

Fijian Rep

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Jess Andrew

Cook Island Rep


Andrew Perez

Tokelau Rep

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Sokopeti Sina

Tongan Rep

Our Team

Our Team


Shivashni Narayan

Clinical Lead Primary  NZRN, BN, PGCert in Nursing Science

Phone: 04 282 0957

Mobile: 027 381 4238


Mona Hawkins

NZGON MN (Clinical)

Quality Assurance Nurse

Phone: 04 577 0394

Mobile: 027 240 5994


Sandra Niko

Office Manager

Phone: 04 555 1605

Mobile : 027 2999090


Atitoafaiga Tau Ioapo

Projects Officer

Phone: 04 555 1721

Mobile: 027 273 1526


Mary Beachen

AOD Counsellor

DAPAANZ Registered Practitioner

Phone: 04 577 0394


Anoushka Alo

Primary Health and

Outreach Nurse

Mobile: 027 300 3711


Lolohea Tukia

Clinical Lead -Well Child Service

Phone: 04 282 0961

Mobile: 027 727 7699


Epifania Leo'o

Population Health

(Community Engagement lead)

Phone: 04 555 1602

Mobile: 027 277 6996

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Lina Paulo

Community Health Navigator

Phone: 04 555 1718

Mobile: 027 211 3440

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Antonio Pilitati

Health Coach

Phone: 04 555 0018

Mobile: 027 233 7689


Talalelei Faifai

Primary Health and

Outreach Nurse

Phone: 04 282 0952

Mobile: 027 202 2668


Fofoga Logovae

Primary Healthcare Nurse (NZRN)

Phone: 04 282 0955

Mobile: 027 275 2405


Derek Saumolia

Team Leader Social Services Registered Social Worker

Phone: 04 974 8291

Mobile: 027 494 3939

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Situila Marsters

Primary Health Outreach Nurse (RN)

Phone: 04 555 1627

Mobile: 027 254 2670

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Rosa Kasiano


Phone: 04 909 7329

Mobile: 021 085 87407


Amanda Matautia

Primary Healthcare Nurse (NZRN)

Phone: 04 555 0694

Mobile: 027 214 6679


Freesia Alofi

Community Health Worker - Kaiawhina

Phone: 04 282 0953

Mobile: 027 727 7002


Aotearoa Muaiava-Saolele

Co-lead Population Health

Phone: 04 555 1626

Mobile: 027 237 7192


Markyla Aisea

Communications Officer

Phone: 04 555 1469

Mobile: 027 215 8518

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Maggie Felo

Social Service (Senior Practitioner)

Phone: 04 577 0394


Catherine Tu'akalau

Nurse Practitioner

Phone: 04 282 0958

Mobile: 027 287 8758


Tinomaria Atonio-Johnston

NZ Registered Dietitian

Phone: 04 5551618

Mobile: 027 468 6569

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Tricia Feiluai Neemia-Tago

Clinical Coordinator

Phone: 04 282 0958

Mobile: 027 321 4188

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Damian White

CEP Practitioner

Dapaanz Registered Practitioner (6640)

Phone: 04 577 0394

Mobile: 021 0294 9564

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Address: 1 Hewer Crescent, Naenae, Hutt Valley  
Phone: (04) 577 0394   Fax: (04) 577 0458 

PO Box 35 027, Naenae, Hutt Valley, 5011
Free phone: 0800 747 213

For Life-Threatening Emergencies Call 111

© 2024 Pacific Health Service - Hutt Valley

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