
Nurse Practitioner
Providing a wide range of assessment and treatment interventions.

Nurse practitioners have advanced education, clinical training and the demonstrated competence and legal authority to practise beyond the level of a registered nurse.
Our nurse pratitioner provides a wide range of assessment and treatment interventions, ordering and interpreting diagnostic and laboratory tests, prescribing medicines within their area of competence and can admit and discharge patients from hospital and other healthcare services/settings.
They combine advanced nursing knowledge and skills with diagnostic reasoning and therapeutic knowledge to provide patient-centred healthcare services including the diagnosis and management of health consumers with common and complex
health conditions.
Nursing outreach
Provides health checks, monitoring of patient health care plans, and facilitate patient education.
Services we offer:
Community and GP- integrated Pacific-friendly supported care in the management of patients with long term and lifestyle conditions 
Advanced physical nursing assessments and evaluations 
Flexible, free clinic/home visit health checks
Timely nurse follow-up following an acute event or hospital admission
Translation support and advocacy for Pacific persons with complex medical and social issues 
Health education and informational support one-on-one or group sessions
Facilitate GP enrolment and access to clinical appointments
National Scheduled Immunisations and Covid-19 and Influenza vaccinations
Well Child specialist nurse service Thriving Cores (see Well Child)
Nurse Practitioner
Childhood Immunisation, MMR & COVID-19 Vaccine

We provide additional health access for Pacific People of all ages with highest health needs (HHN) with following issues:​
Childhood scheduled immunisation
Measles (MMR)
COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics
For the latest update of National Scheduled Immunisations click on this link below.
Our Unique Services
We provide additional health access for Pacific People of all ages with highest health needs (HHN) with following issues:​
Long-term health conditions
Frequent admission to hospitals
Families with high social, economic and health needs
Not enrolled in a GP – (we will facilitate enrolment)
Recent permanent resident migrant
Special referral by GP or specialist
Childhood Immunisation, MMR & COVID-19 Vaccine

We provide additional health access for Pacific People of all ages with highest health needs (HHN) with following issues:​
Childhood scheduled immunisation
Measles (MMR)
COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics