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Community Engagement

The Wellbeing Service provides a holistic group programme

​The Wellbeing Service is an extension of the successful Faith Led project and is a collaboration of Pacific Health Service, their relevant partners and the group participants.


It is a 3-6 month programme which Hutt Valley Pacific community groups are eligible to apply for. Group participants co-design their programme alongside the Wellbeing team to ensure it is tailored to the specific needs of the group and addresses all 7 Dimensions of Wellbeing. It is also designed to include entire families.


The programme may include activities such as:

  • Exercise

  • Nutrition education

  • Gardening

  • Motivational speakers

  • Health assessments

  • Stress management education

Support to Breast & Cervical Screening


Improve access to services along the breast and cervical screening pathway for Priority Group Women:

  • Receive referrals for, and follow up women who are overdue for their screening

  • Provide culturally appropriate services

  • Identify innovative approaches for reaching Priority group of women not accessing the screening service


Provide personal or practical support to improve access to screening services

  • Transport and emotional support

  • Health education session for women


Referral to other services if needs are identified


Community Awareness-raising Activities

  • Create activities in the community to raise awareness around women’s health (cervical & breast screening focus)

Nutrition Support

Tailored nutrition support for individual clients and families

Tino Atonio-Johnston is our Registered Dietitian who provides nutrition support in the form of: 


  • Individual nutrition consultations

  • Group nutrition education

  • Cooking workshops


Nutrition support can also include

  • Meal ideas

  • Education on your health condition, e.g. diabetes, heart disease, allergies etc.

  • Label reading

  • Advice on special diets

  • Performance advice


A healthy balanced diet is key to good overall health and wellbeing and supports good physical and mental health. Tino works across all of our services to provide: 

  • Tailored nutrition support for individual clients and families to improve sports performance, diabetes, arthritis and overall wellbeing.

  • Nutrition support for mothers during pregnancy, breastfeeding and introduction of solid foods to their babies.

  • Group education for community groups participating in our Wellbeing programme.

Contact Tino If you, your family or group are looking for support or advice on healthy eating. Fill in the Referral form and we will be touch

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Address: 1 Hewer Crescent, Naenae, Hutt Valley  
Phone: (04) 577 0394   Fax: (04) 577 0458 

PO Box 35 027, Naenae, Hutt Valley, 5011
Free phone: 0800 747 213

For Life-Threatening Emergencies Call 111

© 2024 Pacific Health Service - Hutt Valley

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