Primary Outreach Nursing Services
The Primary Nursing Outreach Service provides health checks, monitoring of patient health care plans, and facilitate health promotion and patient education.
Services we offer:
Community and GP- integrated Pacific-friendly supported care in the management of patients with long term and lifestyle conditions 
Advanced physical nursing assessments and evaluations 
Flexible, free clinic/home visit health checks
Timely nurse follow-up following an acute event or hospital admission
Translation support and advocacy for Pacific persons with complex medical and social issues 
Health education and informational support one-on-one or group sessions
Facilitate GP enrolment and access to clinical appointments
National Scheduled Immunisations and Covid-19 and Influenza vaccinations
Well Child specialist nurse service Thriving Cores (see Well Child)
Nurse Practitioner
Telephone: (04) 577 0394
Drop in Pacific Health Serice Hutt Valley, 1 Hewer Crescent,
PO Box 35 027, Naenae,
Hutt Valley, 5011.
Referrals from:
GP Practices
Family or Friend
Allied Health
Community Health Workers
We provide additional health access for Pacific People of all ages with highest health needs (HHN) with following issues:​
Long-term health conditions
Frequent admission to hospitals
Families with high social, economic and health needs
Not enrolled in a GP – (we will facilitate enrolment)
Recent permanent resident migrant
Special referral by GP or specialist